Eugene Marathon this Weekend

Eugene Marathon Medals

I ran last year’s virtual version of the Eugene Marathon (I did the half and 5K) just to have something to do, since it was looking like there wasn’t going to be any real racing for a while, and I was still trying to whip back into shape after that l’il medical ordeal a few Christmas’ ago. So when it came time to for the ’22 live-and-in-person version, I figured “why not?”. It had been ten years since I last ran the race, and it’s a nice, well-run marathon. And you get to finish on the Hayward Field track, just like an Olympian.

This year’s goal time is 3:15, in contrast from the 3:10 I ran ten years ago. I’d also like to qualify for the Boston Marathon again, but for my age group that’s a 3:35, so unless the wheels fall off qualifying shouldn’t be a problem. The most recent races I’ve run predict that I could do 3:12, so let’s set 3:10 as a stretch goal.

Runners can be tracked at the marathon website: I’ll post my bib number if I get a chance before the race.

Katherine will be running/walking the 5K on Saturday morning, so give a virtual cheer for her as well.


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